COVID-19 Was A Blessing

Thank God for Chinese recklessness and Chabuduo for shaking us out of complacency that tolerated the atrocious. Beaten down human livestock learns to accept their captors and internalize not just nutty media narratives crafted by their rulers, but also come to believe that everything stupid is somehow necessary, or at least cannot be in any…

Catfishing Jobs

A hustler pays attention and sees the Corona era as just another opportunity to utilize while people are off balance and make themselves weak and confused with pointless moping about the organic world. Take ’em for a ride and grab free money to feed your family. March job posting descriptions started changing. Where previous IT…

A Glimpse of Normalcy

Changing routine tests assumptions, and undergoing quarantine has forced a reconsideration of how our lives were ordered against our interests. Sleep is better and longer, with less stress and worries because the next day will be methodical and adhere to a plan instead of subjected to crazed chaos reacting to the urgent need of the…

Dying In The Office

Some truth is on display in the office, particularly in the unhealthy lifestyles of your prole coworkers. You hear their stories of drinking binges, entertainment binges, and utter neglect of physical activity they know is destroying them. There’s no way to hide the results on plain display to all. They are wheezing pictures of wrecked…

Filibuster Strategies

For most salaried jobs, no one at the company that is responsible for making evaluations has the ability to actually assess performance. When only appearance matters, crazy fakery flourishes. One project manager I worked with was famous for producing reams of documentation which he would send to the client for affirmation of the information therein….

Hazard Pay

IT work dwells in non-human abstractions. The problems being solved rarely consider human relevancy. Management tracks with metrics detached from quality. Policies keep workers in compliance yet fail to bring about good results. Removing humanity from daily life creates a challenging dynamic, like an astronaut transported into outer space far from family, home, and everything…

Poison Your Coworkers

Everyone in the office tries to play innocent. They exert no physical effort and arguably minimal mental effort while shoveling the worst foods into their plumping bellies. It’s no wonder they put on ten pounds a year and after just a few sedentary seasons are looking bloated and weak. The first thing you should consider…

Sleep Deprivation Will Make You a Million

White collar workers are chronically sleep deprived from waking up too early and taking work home to ponder at night, while checking email and texts at all hours and being dramatically preoccupied with small events that don’t matter much. Many add in habitual late night shows, watching sports, movies, video games, and other base amusements…

Reverse Engineering

Our jobs are silly duties we’re willing to tolerate in exchange for money we can use on larger goals. Everything else being the same, you’d just as well shovel septic sludge all day, restore order in the mentally traumatized, harvest organs for malevolent overlords, or provide skilled legal advice to extract good people  from the…

Gas Clouds Over The Office

The woman with an intestinal disorder regularly deploys a flurry of chemical warfare spraying strong floral scents into the air to combat organic methane in its revolutionary struggle to break free of its oppressive confines. Her office broadcasts the smell of endless trench warfare. You are just trying to earn money and get work done, but…

Stale Office Air Is Making You Less Productive

A recent study published in the Harvard Business Review of ventilation levels affecting cognitive function measured the quality of office environments and found that typical building conditions lead to low levels of productivity. Indoor air quality often suffers from poor ventilation, chemical exposure to cleaners, dry erase markers, perfume, and dry cleaned clothes, and high…

58% of High-Performance Employees Say They Need More Quiet Work Spaces

Behold the open industrial office space. At one moment, it feels like such a hip environment, bustling with easy communication and collaboration, innovation and headphones just behind every monitor. At another moment, the open office is the loudest, most annoying, distracting and unproductive environment one can imagine. What if the open industrial office is just…