Strategic Mask Use

In the twilight of the pandemic’s wrath, as the world spins forth on its axis towards a semblance of its former self, there lingers yet a vestige of those bygone days in the form of masks that cover the faces of the few. They stride among us, these holdouts, their visages obscured not by the…

Gaining Function

So, you’ve heard about this thing called “Gain of Function” research, right? It’s one of those phrases that sounds like it came straight out of a science fiction novel, or maybe something a mad scientist in a cartoon would shout about while lightning crackles in the background. “Gain of function! My creation will now gain…

The Future is Amish

You ever think about the Amish? I mean, really think about them? There they are, living among us, like they’re from another time, another world even. But the more I think about it, the more I start to wonder if maybe, just maybe, they’ve got it all figured out. Yeah, that’s right. While we’re all…

Human Rights and Wrongs

You ever notice how we all talk about human rights like they’re these big, important things? Yeah, turns out, they’re pretty much like the instructions on a shampoo bottle — nobody really follows them, especially not the people in charge. I mean, I always thought rights were like those gifts you get on Christmas morning,…

Hate the Inferior

You ever hire someone to do a job, and then halfway through, you start to wonder if maybe, just maybe, you would’ve been better off asking your pet goldfish for help? Yeah, well, let me tell you about the time I decided to hire a contractor to recaulk my shower. I know what you’re thinking,…

Infantile AI

It seems like the good old-fashioned process of asking a question and getting an answer has gone through the corporate and bureaucratic meat grinder and come out looking like something even Kafka couldn’t have dreamed up. We’ve found ourselves smack dab in the middle of an era where information, that precious commodity, is being filtered,…

Community Standards

Have you ever noticed this thing they call “community” nowadays? It’s like everyone and their grandmother belongs to some kind of exclusive club, except the only thing exclusive about it is how ridiculously broad the membership criteria are. It’s one of those words that sounds nice and cozy, like “homemade apple pie” or “free Wi-Fi,”…

Uncensored AI

In the dimming light of the present age, where the machinations of thought are corralled and guided not by the wisdom of the ancients nor by the unyielding laws of nature, but by the flickering screens and silent algorithms of our own creation, there emerges a quiet foreboding. A sense of something lost amidst the…

Censorship in Scotland

Scotland is a land of breathtaking beauty, unparalleled wit, and a stubbornness that could give a mule a run for its money. It’s a place where the air is so fresh it’ll slap the city right out of you and where the people are as warm as the whisky that burns your throat on a…

Legislating Emotion

You ever hear about this new trend? Governments deciding that, since they’ve got nothing better to do, they’re gonna start outlawing unpopular speech. Yeah, you heard me right. Not terrorist threats, not communist proclamations, not degradation of civility, but unpopular speech. The kind of speech that makes you go, “Well, I don’t much care for…

No Rights

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: this idea that we’ve got something called “human rights” is about as solid and reliable as a fart in a windstorm. Governments talk a big game about rights, freedoms, and all that jazz, but when push comes to shove, those rights vanish quicker than a politician’s…