Pop musicians make almost all their income from concerts, so once a tour is planned it has to be completed no matter the condition of the performers who gradually deteriorate as it wears on. A famous frontman might already be wealthy enough to cancel concert dates and accept the loss of income, but other parts…
Raw Talent
Raw talent, general proficiency, and natural abilities aren’t valued at all, only specific skills with business application. You’ll notice how many “professionals” demonstrate low ability to reason and usually lack creativity. They’ve learned how to memorize and repeat instead of mastering their tiny domain in which they claim expertise. Many are disorganized, so any request…
Make It Easy
Your co-workers are your fellow prisoners and inmates. You are bound together from different fates and sentenced to endure time together with each daily shift counting towards time served. Because your task is endurance, your decency compels you to make it easy on others who face the same hard demands. Empathy calls for you to…
Always Be Gaming
I took a new job and studied how they use the electronic calendars to schedule meetings. Then to avoid morning meetings, I set up private daily recurring meetings every half hour from 8am until 10am. Anyone checking my schedule before setting up a meeting would see I was already booked and would politely schedule the…
Classes are Filibusters
Classes suffer the same problem as radio and news shows that fill long programs with bloat instead of informing. They use as many words as possible to say the trivial so they can appear to be full of material. A class that takes two hours to cover 10 minutes of material is measured by some…
Stay Unloyal
They’ll fire you the instant money dries up, or hold back raises and bonuses when their poor financial planning creates an economic squeeze. Staying loyal means getting set up for stagnation and then led to the slaughter. Every sacrifice you make for a company will be forgotten when they have to make a hard decision…
The job listing advertised for one of my specialties, offering a salary tens of thousands more than what I was making, so I snuck away at lunch and called the recruiter. She told me they had been trying to fill the position for a year and the high salary listed was an error in data…
Careers as Pirate Ships for Pillaging Companies
The old joke about gentle compromise of an unsatisfying relations goes: My boss pretends to pay me, and I pretend to work. Jobs not only oppressively dominate where someone lives, the hours they sleep and rise, and the entire structure of their days, but then workers take the stress of their jobs home for no…
Illegal Alien Labor
Right now, there are illegal aliens in my house. They’re painting as subcontractors to an American business, displacing native workers as a cheaper alternative because they don’t have to pay taxes. In the aggregate, this hollows out labor from the inside and burdens the middle class to pay for the free riders. The scheme takes…
Education Cannibalism
When I went to university, I noticed the new continuous education program that sought to enroll students in perpetuity, inculcating them with the notion that they were forever stunted in knowledge and skills and needed to be filled up with a barrage of superficial courses that would never achieve its objective of informing them about…
Risk Management
Many choices are unconcerned with risk. There’s not enough information to assess it properly, so its consideration only paralyses — like vociferous warnings about unspecific threats. In other cases, there’s nothing worth conserving, so high risk is acceptable. Sometimes it’s better to have nothing than being stuck with something you don’t want. This latter situation…
Unacceptable is Acceptable
My boss called me to sternly express that I had not done what was expected and that my actions were unacceptable. I thought I knew what this word meant, and expected a formal statement that I was fired for doing what could never in any way be tolerated of anyone. Instead we reasonably discussed expectations,…