Productivity Theater

Let me tell you about a little something called “Productivity Theater.” It’s performed in your office, and the leading actors are your coworkers. Now, I don’t want to give the impression that I’m against productivity. I’m all for it. I’m just not a fan of the theatrical part. Now, let me set the stage. Workers…

Transsexual Offices

For all its cubicles, water coolers, and awkward elevator rides, there’s one aspect of office life that’s often overlooked: its inherent embrace of the transsexual experience. Beneath those fluorescent lights and bland carpets lies a world where men and women alike can freely adopt the characteristics of the opposite gender. I’m not suggesting that every…

DEI Grievances

It seems that the corporate world has gone completely bonkers. You may have noticed a strange shift happening during your all hands meetings, and I’m here to tell you it’s not your imagination. Nowadays, it seems like every Q&A session is dominated by DEI grievances. Diversity, equity, and inclusion have become the holy trinity of…

Middle Management

My friend pointed out that despite all the credentials and ability, a big group of us were trapped under a glass ceiling in middle management and had no path or connections to anything better. Middle management is a lonely no-man’s land. Workers hate you for keeping them on task. They are infantile and just want…

Returning to the Office

We’ve come to a peculiar point in human history. It’s a time where efficiency and convenience have taken a back seat to a bewildering nostalgia for the good old days of commuting and cubicles. That’s right, I’m talking about the great office revival – a return to the hallowed halls of awkward small talk and…

Feminine Rule

The sun rose over the city, casting a golden light over the bustling streets below. The clack-clack of high heels on the pavement echoed through the air as women rushed to their offices, determined to take on the day like a bull charging into the ring. Women were the new demographic majority in the workplace,…

Three Hour Work Day

We are trained to work for 8 hours and eat the time for getting ready for work, sitting in traffic, getting lunch, and eventually driving home. But the 8 hour day is mostly illusion and an old format that doesn’t make sense when considering what actually gets done. Research suggests that in an eight-hour day,…

Compromised to Ruins

We were caught in a vice: working too much, sleeping too little, and failing to maintain our health. Eventually the reaper calls. Waking up too early squeezes available time at the outset, releasing cortisol from the stress of trying to making the impossible fit. You either skip breakfast or eat garbage of some sort, not…

Preparing For the Future

Emerging trends clearly indication how young boys will have to find good career paths. Since 2015, women are the majority of college graduates, now at 60% and projected to continue increasing their dominance. “In the next few years, two women will earn a college degree for every man, if the trend continues, said Douglas Shapiro,…

Cubicle Decor

The right thing to do after being assigned a cubicle is to abstain from any design on it. It is already a synergistic perfection of brutalist minimalism. Second best is to be jovial, putting up your favorite cartoons and other subversive decorations until you cross the line and receive a warning from management. The worst…

Antiwork Censorship

I’m all for reforming jobs, offices, and workplace practices. It seemed r/antiwork would be the perfect place to discuss ideas about that and organize with similar minded people. It only took a few days to be banned from r/antiwork. Nothing I said was hostile or inflammatory. My thoughts slightly deviated from their narratives and that…

Flaking In Public

I’ve seen others do this, and now it’s happening to me. A wise man once said “Flake it until you make it.” With two job offers on their way, I know I’ll be moving on soon. There’s minimal pressure to complete any of the expected tasks on my project, yet daily meetings about progress still…