Post Hustle Culture

Through the deep and shadowy hallways of cultural progression, the death knell tolls for the Hustle Culture. Critics, who roost like carrion birds on the fringes of society, have declared its end. An end as inevitable as a setting sun, an end borne of the insatiable gaze of those who covet wealth but shirk from…

Revenge Narratives Celebrating Resentment

In the labyrinth of the modern media landscape, one narrative has begun to occupy a disproportionate amount of space: tales of workplace revenge. These are the stories where the underdog employee, seemingly oppressed by the gargantuan machinery of corporate greed, strikes back in a satisfying display of defiance. On the surface, they are tales of…

Gender Obsession

Have you ever wondered why history seems to repeat itself? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s because we humans have a knack for finding trouble where there isn’t any. And that’s especially true when it comes to the collapse of civilizations. Now, let’s take a walk down memory lane and visit the good…

The Decline of Trust in the Expert Class

If there is one phenomenon that has captivated and confounded the public sphere in recent years, it is the growing disillusionment with the so-called ‘expert class’, borne out of an increasing realization that our ‘expert class’ — those with gilded credentials and self-proclaimed authorities on all things consequential — have consistently failed to live up…

Just Let Me Grill

There lies a solace, a deep yearning embedded in the marrow of man, to sever the chains of the ceaseless chatter of modernity, to retreat, to find refuge within the tranquil parameters of a humble abode. A longing for the sanctuary that is the suburban calm. Here, the desire manifests as a primal urge, a…

The Great American Heist

Oh, the lamentations! A veritable cry of despair from sea to shining sea. This country, this great Republic of ours, seems to have been picked clean, gutted, and replaced with a hollow mockery of its once-glorious self. You have to squint to see it through the fog of disillusionment, but if you look closely, you’ll…

Personal Space

The cubicle: a tiny, confined space they generously provide as your “personal” domain. But don’t be fooled – this is no private sanctuary. No, it’s more like a gladiatorial arena, where you’re pitted against your coworkers in an epic struggle for territory and sanity. And what’s your weapon of choice in this battle? Why, your…

Occupation Strategy

Once upon a time, in the tidy, manicured world of Wall Street, where the power-suited demigods of finance strolled to the tune of money-making symphonies, an unsettling rumble sounded. A discordant note had been struck in this harmonious capitalist symphony and was ready to wreak havoc. It came in the form of the Occupation Strategy,…

Strange New Loyalty Tests

Norman Vincent Peale once said, “Most of us would be upset if we were accused of being ‘silly.’ But the word ‘silly’ comes from the old English word ‘selig,’ and its literal definition is ‘to be blessed, happy, healthy and prosperous.’” Now, you’d think being silly in the face of totalitarianism is quite the daft…

AI Gonna Hurt

In the great swath of existence, in the silent hinterlands of the heart, lies the paradox of love. It stands at the crossroads of the human condition, a keen edge cutting both ways. The weight of love, the full gravity of it, can’t be comprehended without an openness to the rending of oneself. To be…

Great Hoaxes of Governance

In the theatrics of modern democracy, particularly in the United States, a rather disturbing trend has emerged. Our system of government, the celebrated beacon of liberty and equality, appears to be drifting towards a culture of manipulation and deceit. What is presented to the public as transparent, accountable governance, often resembles a series of hoaxes…

Disability is Our Strength

You have to empathize with the pressure companies are under to achieve quotas for every demographic. In this thrilling roller coaster of deceit and manipulation, companies are trying their darndest to fill a magical 8% quota of disabled employees. You know when companies start turning the workforce into a game of Bingo there’s going to…