Clocking In

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the greatest farce in the working world – the sacred act of clocking in on time. Ah yes, our corporate masters really do have a flair for the dramatic, don’t they? For some inexplicable reason, we’re expected to be as punctual as Swiss train conductors even when we’re just about…

Inclusion Sanctions Toxic Tolerance

We find ourselves in an epoch of anomie where the norm is to not have norms. We exist in an epoch of glorified insanity, a society that ceaselessly campaigns for the normalization of aberration, dismissing not just the confines of traditional values but the very notion of sanity itself. Fellow travelers, consider the unsettling trend…

Decaying Edifice of Humanity

In a world shrouded in dazzling innovations and advancements, it is a harsh, albeit essential, realization that the core of our humanity appears to be not merely in decline, but in a state of active decay. We, as a society, seem to be losing our grasp on some of the most fundamental aspects of our…

Kaczynski on AI

Ted Kaczynski was a guy who was ahead of his time. You gotta hand it to him, the guy was no hypocrite. Here we are, all whining about climate change and plastic in the ocean, meanwhile this guy was out there living in a cabin in the woods. Not a cabin like you see in…

Colluding Crime Syndicate

The world as we know it is increasingly moving away from being an interconnected web of nation-states, with citizens at the heart of the decision-making process, towards a network dominated by powerful organizations. This network of institutions, including governments, multinational corporations, media conglomerates, law enforcement agencies, and militaries, to name but a few, has managed…

Reluctant Technosaur

There’s an old saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Now, I don’t know about dogs, but when it comes to us humans, especially us older folks, it seems we’re not too keen on learning new tricks either, especially when those tricks involve fancy gadgets and interwebs. Picture this: You’ve spent half a…

Remembering Theodore Kaczynski

Theodore Kaczynski, known to some as “Uncle Ted” or the Unabomber, was a figure whose life resulted in a collection of writings that have elicited considerable commentary and debate. As a figure of profound controversy, he left a philosophical legacy that continues to reverberate within the intellectual sphere. As a linguist and mathematician, he wove…

Erosion of Civilizational Bonds

Liberalism, a philosophy heralded as the beacon of individual freedom and the bedrock of modern democracies, has inadvertently loosened the ties that bind us. Its prioritization of personal liberty and its sanctification of the self, while initially empowering, has precipitated a gradual dissolution of the collective conscience, eroding the civilizational bonds that knit us together….

Worrying About Work

I’m about to drop a bomb on your perception of how your day rolls out. Here’s the staggering truth: The average American is dedicating nearly six hours of their day to checking work and personal email. That’s right, six hours! Now, let’s dive into those minutes: 209 on work email and 143 on personal email….

How to Make $500,000 a year

Hey folks, let’s have a chat about being a social media manager. Now, you’re in your office, maybe a cubicle, making a cool $100,000 a year, managing posts, tweets, hashtags, and the whole social media parade. One day you start scratching your head when you realize something interesting – your work, your efforts, are actually…

DEI has added Letters

DEI is now DEIAJB. This ain’t a game of checkers we’re playing here, no siree. This is chess, folks, and let me tell ya, the pawns are getting restless. You see, it starts off simple enough. A group of folks get together with a common goal. “Save the whales!” they shout, or “Free the toe…

Job Time

In the miraculous year of 2023 it is genuinely stupefying that we still tie ourselves to the idea of a fixed “work day”. Yes, you heard me right – those mind-numbing nine-to-five office jobs where “being on time” is considered a pillar of character. But folks, I must tell you, I’ve been pondering this, and…