In the labyrinth of the modern media landscape, one narrative has begun to occupy a disproportionate amount of space: tales of workplace revenge. These are the stories where the underdog employee, seemingly oppressed by the gargantuan machinery of corporate greed, strikes back in a satisfying display of defiance. On the surface, they are tales of…
Author: James
The Decline of Trust in the Expert Class
If there is one phenomenon that has captivated and confounded the public sphere in recent years, it is the growing disillusionment with the so-called ‘expert class’, borne out of an increasing realization that our ‘expert class’ — those with gilded credentials and self-proclaimed authorities on all things consequential — have consistently failed to live up…
Great Hoaxes of Governance
In the theatrics of modern democracy, particularly in the United States, a rather disturbing trend has emerged. Our system of government, the celebrated beacon of liberty and equality, appears to be drifting towards a culture of manipulation and deceit. What is presented to the public as transparent, accountable governance, often resembles a series of hoaxes…
Decaying Edifice of Humanity
In a world shrouded in dazzling innovations and advancements, it is a harsh, albeit essential, realization that the core of our humanity appears to be not merely in decline, but in a state of active decay. We, as a society, seem to be losing our grasp on some of the most fundamental aspects of our…
Colluding Crime Syndicate
The world as we know it is increasingly moving away from being an interconnected web of nation-states, with citizens at the heart of the decision-making process, towards a network dominated by powerful organizations. This network of institutions, including governments, multinational corporations, media conglomerates, law enforcement agencies, and militaries, to name but a few, has managed…
Remembering Theodore Kaczynski
Theodore Kaczynski, known to some as “Uncle Ted” or the Unabomber, was a figure whose life resulted in a collection of writings that have elicited considerable commentary and debate. As a figure of profound controversy, he left a philosophical legacy that continues to reverberate within the intellectual sphere. As a linguist and mathematician, he wove…
Erosion of Civilizational Bonds
Liberalism, a philosophy heralded as the beacon of individual freedom and the bedrock of modern democracies, has inadvertently loosened the ties that bind us. Its prioritization of personal liberty and its sanctification of the self, while initially empowering, has precipitated a gradual dissolution of the collective conscience, eroding the civilizational bonds that knit us together….
Three Hour Work Day
We are trained to work for 8 hours and eat the time for getting ready for work, sitting in traffic, getting lunch, and eventually driving home. But the 8 hour day is mostly illusion and an old format that doesn’t make sense when considering what actually gets done. Research suggests that in an eight-hour day,…
Cubicle Decor
The right thing to do after being assigned a cubicle is to abstain from any design on it. It is already a synergistic perfection of brutalist minimalism. Second best is to be jovial, putting up your favorite cartoons and other subversive decorations until you cross the line and receive a warning from management. The worst…
Technologically Facilitated National Divorce
Decades ago, Michael Jordan was not interested in ideology when selling shoes, declining an expected political endorsement by saying “Republicans buy shoes, too.” This was just pragmatic mercantilism, not laudatory upholding of civilization that tolerates public discussion of diverse ideas. The situation today is that popular voices offering alternatives to mainstream storytelling are subject to…
Corporate Anti-Majority Values
Every company wants more customers. Rather than make a superior product by understanding need and then delivering something of high quality, most opt to expand mediocre offerings to all demographics by appealing to the lowest common denominator. This strategy sabotages success by focusing on the trivial, signaling exodus to those seeking thoughtfully crafted tools. Google…
How To Invest
Ideal investment markets are so predictable they are boring. Companies regularly hit analyst quarterly projections. Normal returns obviate speculative plays, constraining economic activity to value. Reminded by current geopolitical events, could you in good conscience tell a young person at their first job to invest in a 401k? No one expects the US to last…