Call a Lid

Why bother to get up and face the world when there’s no point? Maybe you come into semi-consciousness around 7am or 8am, roll over, go back to sleep a few times, and by 8:30am you can be sure you don’t want to talk to anyone or deal with the world today. Your basement is huge…

Alcohol is Degenerate

Every time I visit the liquor store, my immediate reaction to the clientele, products, and proprietors is of witnessing outlandishly stereotypical lures for pathetic losers with cultivated schemes to profit off of their weakness. Some customers are functional alcoholics; others just bored with nothing better to do than get drunk. Few of them are able…

Mostly Peaceful Activism

The furniture store advertised a sales job, so I applied figuring it would be easy work that could be done while high on fentanyl. It paid hourly plus a good commission and local people with money would be coming in to buy something spontaneous they decided they needed today, putting honest money into my pockets….