You can sell all kinds of poison if you market it properly.
Food is an easy way to kill people. Sell them snacks that will slowly degrade them and as an alternative sell them low quality unhealthy versions of real food. Spray the fruits and vegetables with powerful pesticides that don’t wash off. As health declines from bad versions of the real thing, the government and social media influencers will encourage them to eat more fruits and vegetables soaked in toxins.
They’re going to need to drink something too. Sell the boring ones water from municipal sources inevitably full of industrial chemicals that will give them cancer. The plastic bottle leaching toxic chemicals is convenient, and consumers will pay to put their health at risk.
The researchers behind the study analyzed 34 everyday plastic products made of eight types of plastic to see how common toxicity might be. Seventy-four percent of the products they tested were toxic in some way.
“Every type of plastic contains unknown chemicals,” and many of those chemicals may well be unsafe, says Jane Muncke, Ph.D., an environmental toxicologist
The researchers detected more than 1,000 chemicals in these plastics, 80 percent of which were unknown. But the study was designed in part to show that it’s possible to assess the toxicity of plastic consumer products directly, even without knowing exactly which chemicals are present.
In the lab, the team checked to see if the plastics were toxic in a variety of ways, including testing for components that acted as endocrine disruptors, chemicals that can mimic hormones. (Elevated exposure to endocrine disruptors has been linked to a variety of health problems in humans, including various cancers, reduced fertility, and problems with the development of reproductive organs.) Almost three-quarters of the tested plastics displayed some form of toxicity.
Consumers seeking a more novel experience will drink soda with artificial color and flavors, packed with strange sweeteners to ensure they become obese on the road to being hobbled by diabetes. The business doesn’t care because it’s just selling a product. Whatever happens to the customer a few years later after drinking a bunch of poison is their own problem.
People tend to be obedient to authority, especially when that authority loudly signals it is willing to harm and punish the disobedient. No one wants to go to gulags, have their rights taken away over a bad social credit score, or to lose their job for non-compliance to the latest fashionable demand from our incompetent rulers. This leads to people taking a fake untested experimental vaccine marketed with fraudulent promises and pushed upon the public because it allowed rulers to expand their power over the ruled.
Lawyers are smart. When a company is selling a new poison, there’s no easy way to legally prove a single product is the cause of increased cancer rates. The group taking the poison will inevitably also take in other known poisons at a higher rate, as they are not careful about avoiding obvious harm, and have no hesitation adding yet another untested and unproven item to their consumption. Legal challenges can go on for a long time arguing that a different poison might be the cause, or a combination of other poisons and external factors common to the group. Scientists are purchased cheaply to support all of these arguments and product plausible data sets in favor of whoever is paying. They will support any corporate claim so they can afford to send their children to college and buy a house farther away from deteriorating neighborhoods full of diverse crime and collapsing institutions.
Lawyers know that straight poison takes two or three decades to be proven as such, by which time a company can make billions of dollars in profit, and then pay a small fine for the horrific damage they’ve unleashed upon the world that will linger for centuries or millennia. Or they might draft a clause to hide the test data for 75 years so by the time it is revealed everyone involved should be long dead and cannot be held responsible for their deliberate actions that earned an impressive profit.
To really go full Roman and poison your water supply, the modern personal version is to construct your home plumbing with a carcinogenic material. While illegal in many cities, following laws is mostly optional and you can still choose to replace copper pipes with plastic piping so that your family is exposed to vinyl chloride, a confirmed human carcinogen that can be expected to leach from plastic piping into drinking water, as well as by a disinfection byproduct via a chlorine-dependent reaction.
No one can stop the manufacturers from putting out poison people might buy. Consumers play shocked victim as if untested products with no requirements for safety and no public concern are somehow expected to be safe.
Most products that have been around for two generations without any problems can be considered safe, but everything newer should be suspect and its data carefully gathered for ongoing assessment. Those living in the modern world should understand the motives for producing toxic items and the consequences for exposure to them, and figure out basic strategies to steer clear of what is costly and destructive to individuals, though privately profitable for companies able to market effectively.
New report warns about human health risks from PVC pipes used in drinking water systems
April 18, 2023
A report from a coalition of U.S. environmental advocacy groups has warned of the health risks of PVC plastic and urged public officials against using the material in community drinking water pipes.
PVC is made with vinyl chloride…a known carcinogen and endocrine disruptor.
Yet, because of its relatively low cost, PVC – polyvinyl chloride – has become a popular option for communities replacing old drinking water pipes
In 2021, the Biden administration allocated $15 billion through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for communities coast to coast to replace lead service lines.
Instead of PVC or CPVC – chlorinated polyvinyl chloride – Enck said, communities should use safer alternatives like stainless steel or copper even if those materials cost more.
“When people say that plastics is cheap, they are dead wrong,” Enck said at a virtual news conference Tuesday. “The price is paid widely and for decades through health care costs and tax dollars.”
The Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the use of vinyl chloride in aerosols in 1974, but the chemical is still used in other products and remains a key component in PVC pipes.
“We all know that lead is toxic, but so is PVC pipe, which is known as the poison plastic. If EPA is truly committed to environmental justice, they would ban local and state governments from using PVC pipe to replace lead service lines.”