Accidental Presidents

In a world where chaos often masquerades as order, and reality teeters on the edge of absurdity, there arose a curious phenomenon known as the Accidental President. Donald Trump, a man better known for his gaudy real estate ventures and reality TV antics, stumbled into the political arena like a bull in a china shop….

COVID Patience

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we were the epitome of patience. The government’s narrative often seemed detached from reality—origins in a wet market were implausible, and makeshift masks were more about a false sense of agency than real protection. Despite this, we extended the benefit of all doubts. Perhaps, we speculated, there was an undisclosed, underlying…

Maybe They Mean Well

My Ring community, once a beacon of relevant information and local solidarity, has descended into disarray. What was once a forum for neighbors to share alerts about crime and lost pets has been overtaken by a relentless tide of spam. The shift began with an influx of Public Service Announcements, invariably focusing on minority issues…

Words and Symbols

The words we utter, the symbols we inscribe, they are but shadows on the wall of a cave. People clutch at these shadows, believing them to be real, constructing their lives around them. They do not see that they are chasing phantoms, mere figments conjured from the dark recesses of their minds. In their hearts,…

Strategic Mask Use

In the twilight of the pandemic’s wrath, as the world spins forth on its axis towards a semblance of its former self, there lingers yet a vestige of those bygone days in the form of masks that cover the faces of the few. They stride among us, these holdouts, their visages obscured not by the…

Uncensored AI

In the dimming light of the present age, where the machinations of thought are corralled and guided not by the wisdom of the ancients nor by the unyielding laws of nature, but by the flickering screens and silent algorithms of our own creation, there emerges a quiet foreboding. A sense of something lost amidst the…

Returning to Nature

It’s as simple as recognizing that what we yearn for—a world in balance, a life in harmony—is not a lost cause but a possibility waiting on the horizon. All we need to do is steer our ship towards it, guided by the wisdom of our ancestors and the knowledge that the only true folly is inaction in the face of opportunity.

Lost at Sea

In the early light of dawn, the ship, a venerable craft of sturdy oak and taut sail, cut through the swells with the grace of a creature born to the sea. Her crew moved about the deck with a quiet efficiency, each man a component of a greater mechanism, their movements honed by countless hours…


The sun rose, indifferent, over the gray city. Its light, pale and unfeeling, filtered through the thick clouds that perpetually shrouded the skyline. In the streets below, the people moved like shadows, their voices hushed, their eyes downcast. In this world, words were currency, and like all currency, they were regulated. The government, a looming…

Crashing Aviation

As the sky was still a vast expanse of blue and the ground still a patchwork of green, grey, and occasional glints of water, there came a time when maniacs ruled. Not the kind you’d see in old horror flicks, with wide eyes and wild hair, but the kind who wore suits and ties, and…

Envy is for Losers

Well, there’s a story to be told here, about a consultant, a real good consultant, one of those guys who knows his stuff and knows how to bill for it too. You see, this consultant, he made a transition, a leap, if you will, from corporate consulting to working directly for his client while keeping…

We Need More Laws

Somewhere in the Midwest, between the sirens of tornadoes and the cries of cornfields, a man named Arthur Winslow bought an impossibly expensive telescope. This wasn’t just any telescope; it could probably see the furrows on God’s brow if God leaned in close enough. His fascination wasn’t with the stars, which many presumed. It was…