Small Business is Easy

Let’s get real about starting a small business. You see, everybody’s hooked on this magical idea of being an innovator, a pioneer—hell, the next Steve Jobs. But let me tell you something, forget about innovating. It’s a gamble, a real crapshoot. You want a sure thing? Just copy. Yeah, that’s right. I said it. Plagiarism…

Revenge Narratives Celebrating Resentment

In the labyrinth of the modern media landscape, one narrative has begun to occupy a disproportionate amount of space: tales of workplace revenge. These are the stories where the underdog employee, seemingly oppressed by the gargantuan machinery of corporate greed, strikes back in a satisfying display of defiance. On the surface, they are tales of…

Don’t Be Manageable

A company like Walmart has organized itself into an easy operation. Corporate buyers strike deals to purchase huge quantities in exchange for very low prices, which Walmart then logistically distributes to its many stores ensuring that inventories are not depleted. So long as Walmart stores continue to have expected products on the shelves at a…