Idiots Replacing Experts

Google’s first contribution to debasing civilization was making information easily available to people who were utterly unsuited to interpreting it. Medical information available by search engine encouraged ignorant laymen to think their three minutes of reading a superficial description made them superior to doctors who studied the topic in detailed context, had decades of experience…

Catfishing Jobs

A hustler pays attention and sees the Corona era as just another opportunity to utilize while people are off balance and make themselves weak and confused with pointless moping about the organic world. Take ’em for a ride and grab free money to feed your family. March job posting descriptions started changing. Where previous IT…

Education Illusion

Universities have been forced to online classes, which students quickly see through as being just someone talking while giving links to documents and videos to consume. There’s maybe a hundred dollars of value there in curation, but not $50,000 a semester. Was all education always just self-education with a mediocre life coach? Many thought highly…

A Glimpse of Normalcy

Changing routine tests assumptions, and undergoing quarantine has forced a reconsideration of how our lives were ordered against our interests. Sleep is better and longer, with less stress and worries because the next day will be methodical and adhere to a plan instead of subjected to crazed chaos reacting to the urgent need of the…

Bioengineering Jobs

Zhensheng just wanted to earn a good salary for his family. He had studied for many years and earned a doctorate in bioengineering. He was a loyal citizen and properly feared the state’s power. They asked him to join a bioengineering project and he put aside ethical concerns knowing he could not resist, sabotage, or…

Neither Career Nor Good Work

We were a bunch of savages gathering random parts collected haphazardly
rather than planning to craft greatness.

Escape From Misery

One of my duties is interviewing prospects for open positions. Rather then ask detailed technical questions, I assess their skills and personalities by getting them to talk and tell me their understanding of things as well as their responsibilities. In this conversational interview format I also try to sense their daily work environment, and why…

Certification Pretense

The manager walked into the room to announce the big push for a new certification the customer requested. Two dozen developers laughed uncomfortably, knowing what was to follow. The manager asked what developers thought of the certification and after a few rounds of tepid talk, someone spoke up honestly and broke the taboo. “It’s just…

Dying In The Office

Some truth is on display in the office, particularly in the unhealthy lifestyles of your prole coworkers. You hear their stories of drinking binges, entertainment binges, and utter neglect of physical activity they know is destroying them. There’s no way to hide the results on plain display to all. They are wheezing pictures of wrecked…

Filibuster Strategies

For most salaried jobs, no one at the company that is responsible for making evaluations has the ability to actually assess performance. When only appearance matters, crazy fakery flourishes. One project manager I worked with was famous for producing reams of documentation which he would send to the client for affirmation of the information therein….

Wasting Genius

The worst thing about being called a genius is the expectation of others. Once they identify you as a genius, they lustfully scheme how to keep you sitting in a cubicle while they charge a premium hourly rate they can take a fat percent of. Would any decent person ever consider sticking Einstein or Beethoven…

Get Fat

I listened to the lout from engineering offer his sage advice to a guy who was recently married. “My minister recently told us that newlyweds put on 5 to 10 pounds a year because of the married lifestyle.” That got me thinking. It wasn’t just stress, it was acting as though one’s life was over…