Just Let Me Grill

There lies a solace, a deep yearning embedded in the marrow of man, to sever the chains of the ceaseless chatter of modernity, to retreat, to find refuge within the tranquil parameters of a humble abode. A longing for the sanctuary that is the suburban calm. Here, the desire manifests as a primal urge, a…

AI Gonna Hurt

In the great swath of existence, in the silent hinterlands of the heart, lies the paradox of love. It stands at the crossroads of the human condition, a keen edge cutting both ways. The weight of love, the full gravity of it, can’t be comprehended without an openness to the rending of oneself. To be…

Tech Magnates Are Grubs

Big Tech magnates are creeps with empty souls lurching for the abyss. They are grubs and vermin wrecking humanity from within because of their tortured psychological disposition. They are equal parts: It is fitting that what they build reveals the essence of the crooked soul that conceived them. Our smart phones are hopelessly stupid and…

Poison is a Legitimate Business

You can sell all kinds of poison if you market it properly. Food is an easy way to kill people. Sell them snacks that will slowly degrade them and as an alternative sell them low quality unhealthy versions of real food. Spray the fruits and vegetables with powerful pesticides that don’t wash off. As health…

Preparing For the Future

Emerging trends clearly indication how young boys will have to find good career paths. Since 2015, women are the majority of college graduates, now at 60% and projected to continue increasing their dominance. “In the next few years, two women will earn a college degree for every man, if the trend continues, said Douglas Shapiro,…

Take an Extended Break

You can take a break for a while and rediscover yourself again. A short pause might be enough, or a few years if you need. Shift your costs to the public while getting free food, housing, and medical care. Small crimes will get you 60 or 90 days away from jobs. More significant crimes might…

Honking the Horn

Trapped in your vehicle, made stuck by semi conscious droids. There’s nothing you can do to change the situation you are in. Honk! You lay on the horn to signal your impotent fury. Those around hear it but neither react nor change awareness. Your noises achieve nothing but you feel you have let others know…

Flaking In Public

I’ve seen others do this, and now it’s happening to me. A wise man once said “Flake it until you make it.” With two job offers on their way, I know I’ll be moving on soon. There’s minimal pressure to complete any of the expected tasks on my project, yet daily meetings about progress still…

COVID-19 Was A Blessing

Thank God for Chinese recklessness and Chabuduo for shaking us out of complacency that tolerated the atrocious. Beaten down human livestock learns to accept their captors and internalize not just nutty media narratives crafted by their rulers, but also come to believe that everything stupid is somehow necessary, or at least cannot be in any…

Don’t Be Manageable

A company like Walmart has organized itself into an easy operation. Corporate buyers strike deals to purchase huge quantities in exchange for very low prices, which Walmart then logistically distributes to its many stores ensuring that inventories are not depleted. So long as Walmart stores continue to have expected products on the shelves at a…

Expert in a Weekend

On Friday I secured an interview for the following Tuesday. The job requested expertise in a particular technical area I didn’t know anything about. If college taught me anything, it was how to cram. I went to sleep early Friday night so the weekend would be free. There was an online class with 33 hours…