
The town was not real. The people were not real. The arguments were not real. And yet they walked, and they talked, and they filled the air with the sound of living. They had built it well. At first, there was nothing but silence. Then came the voices. Carefully arranged, meticulously deployed, sock puppets stepping…


Recent revelations have illuminated a disconcerting reality: the narratives that have long underpinned the modern left are not the organic manifestations of grassroots movements, but rather, the carefully constructed illusions of a well-oiled propaganda infrastructure funded by billions of tax dollars, effectively making the public pay for smoke and mirrors. Everything has been a lie….

The Censorship Machine

The state, in its ever-expanding quest for control, has constructed a repressive apparatus that thrives on the unlimited exploitation of taxpayer money. This apparatus is not designed to serve the people, protect their rights, or uphold the law. No, its true purpose is far more sinister: it exists to censor the truth, to silence dissent,…

No Rights

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: this idea that we’ve got something called “human rights” is about as solid and reliable as a fart in a windstorm. Governments talk a big game about rights, freedoms, and all that jazz, but when push comes to shove, those rights vanish quicker than a politician’s…

Realpolitik in Modern Institutional Dysfunction

In the cold, calculated corridors of power where Joseph Stalin once roamed, a seemingly simple question echoed, shaping the very fabric of political and social life: “Who/Whom?” This query, though straightforward, encapsulated a worldview where the essence of governance and control boiled down to dominance—specifically, who dominates whom. It wasn’t merely rhetorical; it was the…

Digital Gulags

We find ourselves now in a strange world where our hard-earned money is subject to the whims of an increasingly nosy and selective bank. I mean, it’s all starting to look like a Monty Python sketch, isn’t it? There was a time, you see, when a bank was a bank. You’d put your money in,…

Working with Authority

You know, the CIA and I, we have a lot in common. We’re both misunderstood, we both work in secret, and we’ve both made some questionable decisions. But while my questionable decisions usually involve attempting to deep-fry a Twinkie at 3 am, the CIA’s include “enhanced interrogation techniques.” Now, I don’t know about you, but…

Antiwork Censorship

I’m all for reforming jobs, offices, and workplace practices. It seemed r/antiwork would be the perfect place to discuss ideas about that and organize with similar minded people. It only took a few days to be banned from r/antiwork. Nothing I said was hostile or inflammatory. My thoughts slightly deviated from their narratives and that…