Maybe They Mean Well

My Ring community, once a beacon of relevant information and local solidarity, has descended into disarray. What was once a forum for neighbors to share alerts about crime and lost pets has been overtaken by a relentless tide of spam. The shift began with an influx of Public Service Announcements, invariably focusing on minority issues…

Just Let Me Grill

There lies a solace, a deep yearning embedded in the marrow of man, to sever the chains of the ceaseless chatter of modernity, to retreat, to find refuge within the tranquil parameters of a humble abode. A longing for the sanctuary that is the suburban calm. Here, the desire manifests as a primal urge, a…

Personal Space

The cubicle: a tiny, confined space they generously provide as your “personal” domain. But don’t be fooled – this is no private sanctuary. No, it’s more like a gladiatorial arena, where you’re pitted against your coworkers in an epic struggle for territory and sanity. And what’s your weapon of choice in this battle? Why, your…

Honking the Horn

Trapped in your vehicle, made stuck by semi conscious droids. There’s nothing you can do to change the situation you are in. Honk! You lay on the horn to signal your impotent fury. Those around hear it but neither react nor change awareness. Your noises achieve nothing but you feel you have let others know…