DEI Utopia

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about DEI, or as I like to call it, the Department of Euphemisms and Insanity. You see, DEI is this wonderful tool we’ve created to ensure we can cram more women into roles where they historically never quite fit—like firefighters. Now, before you get all huffy, let’s get one thing…

Prison Sex

You know what’s really funny? The state. Oh, they’re hilarious. They strut around in their fancy suits, promising to keep us safe, to make our lives better, to uphold justice. But let’s be honest, they’re about as effective as a screen door on a submarine. They can’t fulfill any of their grand promises because, at…

Right Wing Extremism

Remember when conspiracy theories were like fine wine? They needed years to mature before anyone took them seriously. Now, they’re like fast food—quick, ubiquitous, and often disturbingly accurate. The internet has turned the conspiracy validation timeline on its head. Essential facts are now just a click away, and the truth spreads faster than a politician’s…

How Felled?

You ever get the feeling carcinogens are everywhere? They’re lurking in every corner, just waiting to give you a dose of the Big C. They’re in your water, your food, the air you breathe. It’s like playing a never-ending game of hide and seek with death. First off, let’s talk about choice carcinogens. Some carcinogens…

Small Business is Easy

Let’s get real about starting a small business. You see, everybody’s hooked on this magical idea of being an innovator, a pioneer—hell, the next Steve Jobs. But let me tell you something, forget about innovating. It’s a gamble, a real crapshoot. You want a sure thing? Just copy. Yeah, that’s right. I said it. Plagiarism…

Infantile AI

It seems like the good old-fashioned process of asking a question and getting an answer has gone through the corporate and bureaucratic meat grinder and come out looking like something even Kafka couldn’t have dreamed up. We’ve found ourselves smack dab in the middle of an era where information, that precious commodity, is being filtered,…

Community Standards

Have you ever noticed this thing they call “community” nowadays? It’s like everyone and their grandmother belongs to some kind of exclusive club, except the only thing exclusive about it is how ridiculously broad the membership criteria are. It’s one of those words that sounds nice and cozy, like “homemade apple pie” or “free Wi-Fi,”…

No Rights

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: this idea that we’ve got something called “human rights” is about as solid and reliable as a fart in a windstorm. Governments talk a big game about rights, freedoms, and all that jazz, but when push comes to shove, those rights vanish quicker than a politician’s…

Everything is Astroturfed

Let’s face it: we live in an era where destruction is the new construction. Everything that’s built – from our political systems to our smartphones – seems designed to break down, morally or mechanically. Why? Because those who control the levers of power are about as capable as a screen door on a submarine. They…

Unlimited Leave Is Not Enough

You ever hear of this new, fancy term called “unlimited leave”? Yeah, it’s been floating around the corporate lingo like a bad smell in an elevator. When I first heard it, I thought, “Wow, these companies are finally getting generous!” Then, I scratched the surface. And let me tell you, if “unlimited leave” was a…

Maximizing Employment Benefits

I’ve been thinking about jobs a lot lately, and the absurdity of the whole charade. We live in a society where work is painted as this noble, honorable thing. But in reality, for most of us, it’s just selling chunks of our life for a paycheck. So if we’re going to trade our precious time…

Feigning Incompetence

There’s this general belief that our beloved leaders, these so-called geniuses running the show, they’re just bumbling idiots who couldn’t run a lemonade stand, much less a country. Oh, they’ve got degrees from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and all the rest. Advanced degrees! Yet, the minute they step foot in the capitol, suddenly they’re as confused…