Institutional Distrust

You know what’s really funny? And by funny, I mean absolutely fucking infuriating. The erosion of trust in our so-called “institutions,” the ones we’re all supposed to blindly trust, like good little citizens. Yeah, that’s right—the government, the TSA, all those folks who are supposed to keep us safe from the big, bad world out there. And what better example of this institutional rot than Tulsi Gabbard being put on a list so she’s “accidentally” flagged for secondary security screening every time she tries to fly? You can’t make this shit up.

Now, let me get this straight: Tulsi Gabbard—a former Congresswoman, a soldier who served this country, a person who had the balls to actually speak her mind—is being treated like a fucking terrorist. Why? Because someone in the regime got their panties in a twist over her criticizing their precious little political playground. So, what do they do? They slap her on a list. Not a nice list, like Santa’s. No, this is the kind of list where you’re treated like you’ve got a suitcase full of explosives just because you wanted to visit your family for Thanksgiving. “Accidentally,” of course.

And you know what’s the kicker? The public can read about this shit over and over on X (formerly known as Twitter, before we turned everything into some dystopian corporate rebrand) and in the corporate media, but does anything change? Of course not! Because why would it? Why would these oh-so-reliable institutions actually correct an error? Why would they even bother giving a plausible reason for it? I’ll tell you why—they don’t have to. They know the game, and they play it well.

See, this isn’t about security. It’s not even about keeping people safe. It’s about sending a message. And the message is this: “Don’t fuck with us. Don’t criticize us. Because if you do, we’ll make your life a living hell.” They’ve turned the whole security system into a tool of cheap retaliation. It’s like high school bullying, but with a lot more taxpayer money behind it. And the worst part? The public just sits there and takes it. They read about it, they might even get a little angry, but in the end, nothing changes. Nothing changes because the people in power know they can get away with it.

Those people in power think they can just slip away, scot-free, when the administration changes. They’ve been handing out damage like candy on Halloween, and when it’s time to pay the piper, they’re already packing their bags, ready to disappear into the sunset with a pardon in their pocket. It’s the ultimate magic trick—now you see them, now you don’t. Except the damage they’ve done sticks around, like a bad smell that won’t go away.

The idea of a Congressional investigation into this mess is downright hilarious. I mean, come on, folks—Gabbard was in Congress! She knows these people, and they know her. Hell, she probably shared a few awkward elevator rides with the very people who’d love to see her squirm. The same folks who can’t stand the fact that she doesn’t march in lockstep with their precious little leftist agenda.

You want a Congressional investigation? Picture it: the same leftists who’ve been gnashing their teeth every time she opened her mouth now have to pretend they’re all about fairness and justice. Yeah, that’ll happen when pigs fly and Congress gets shit done. These are the same people who’ve been butthurt ever since she called out their failed policies and exposed them for the frauds they are. And now, what? They’re supposed to take a break from their usual routine of doing nothing and actually look into why she’s being treated like the second coming of Osama Bin Laden at every airport she visits? That’s a laugh.

And let’s talk about the real absurdity here: There are no admissions of error, no corrections, nothing! It’s just this endless, Kafkaesque loop of harassment. Gabbard’s legal team could be waving red flags, filing paperwork, demanding answers, and you know what they’d get? Crickets. Silence. Or worse, a bunch of bureaucratic gobbledygook designed to say absolutely nothing while sounding like they’re doing something. It’s like watching a bad magician—nothing up their sleeves, because they never even learned the trick. And all the while, Gabbard keeps getting flagged, patted down, and treated like a ticking time bomb every time she tries to board a plane.

Here’s what’s really going on, folks: This is all about power. The regime loves its power, and it sure as hell doesn’t like anyone messing with it. So, what do they do? They use the tools at their disposal—tools that are supposed to keep us safe from real threats, mind you—as a way to grind down their critics. You don’t like our policies? Fine, we’ll make sure you regret ever opening your mouth. We’ll make your life just uncomfortable enough to send a message, but not so uncomfortable that anyone really does anything about it.

But here’s the catch—they’re doing it so badly, so blatantly, that they’re only managing to shoot themselves in the foot. Because every time Gabbard gets harassed by the TSA, it’s another reminder to the public that our institutions are a fucking joke. It’s another nail in the coffin of trust in these so-called guardians of the public good. And it all reflects horribly on the ruling class, those high-and-mighty elites who think they can get away with anything because they’ve got the keys to the kingdom.

In the end, this isn’t just about Tulsi Gabbard. It’s about a system that’s so desperate to hold onto its crumbling power that it’ll do anything—no matter how petty, how ridiculous—to keep its critics in line. But in doing so, they’re only exposing their own weakness, their own desperation. Because when you have to resort to using airport security to keep a former Congresswoman in check, you’ve already lost the battle. The more they try to punish her, the more they prove her point—that the system is rigged, the rulers are corrupt, and the whole damn thing is coming apart at the seams.

So go ahead, Congress, investigate away. It’ll be the funniest show in town. But don’t expect anyone to take it seriously. Because at this point, we’ve all seen the man behind the curtain, and he’s a fucking clown.

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