Right Wing Extremism

Remember when conspiracy theories were like fine wine? They needed years to mature before anyone took them seriously. Now, they’re like fast food—quick, ubiquitous, and often disturbingly accurate. The internet has turned the conspiracy validation timeline on its head. Essential facts are now just a click away, and the truth spreads faster than a politician’s…

Harnessing Antisemitism

The recent swell of student occupations and fervent pro-Hamas protests on university campuses across the United States presents a tableau both fascinating and deeply revealing. As October’s dark skies were lit not just by stars but by the blaze of rockets over Gaza, a schism has been carved deep into the heart of the American…

Banned From Democracy

You know, it’s funny when I think about democracy these days. It’s like watching an ’80s hair band reunion – everything seems out of place, the harmony’s all off, and you’re left wondering if anyone even knows the original lyrics anymore. The great neoliberal establishments, once the cool kids on the global block, are now…

Social Reality is Untruthful

In the theater of human interaction, there is a common foe that proves itself a relentless adversary: the lie. It is the unseen enemy that worms its way into the fabric of our communication, eroding the trust upon which human society is built. The habit of lying, despite its immediate gains, is a treacherous path…

Tax the Rich

Here’s something that’s been on my mind. You know how when you’re young, you’ve got all this energy and enthusiasm, like a brand new Duracell battery right out of the pack? Well, there are some folks out there, big corporations, government bodies, sneaky intelligence agencies, who look at that energy and think, “Hmm, how can…

Occupation Strategy

Once upon a time, in the tidy, manicured world of Wall Street, where the power-suited demigods of finance strolled to the tune of money-making symphonies, an unsettling rumble sounded. A discordant note had been struck in this harmonious capitalist symphony and was ready to wreak havoc. It came in the form of the Occupation Strategy,…

Social Movements Rely on Censorship

Social movements sure are curious creatures. They weave tantalizing tales of revolution and progress, all while cleverly sweeping any pesky dissenters under the proverbial rug, yet evidence of their efficacy remains scarce — and rational criticism is about as welcome as a porcupine at a balloon party. A cornerstone of such movements is their quest…

Technologically Facilitated National Divorce

Decades ago, Michael Jordan was not interested in ideology when selling shoes, declining an expected political endorsement by saying “Republicans buy shoes, too.” This was just pragmatic mercantilism, not laudatory upholding of civilization that tolerates public discussion of diverse ideas. The situation today is that popular voices offering alternatives to mainstream storytelling are subject to…