The Censorship Machine

The state, in its ever-expanding quest for control, has constructed a repressive apparatus that thrives on the unlimited exploitation of taxpayer money. This apparatus is not designed to serve the people, protect their rights, or uphold the law. No, its true purpose is far more sinister: it exists to censor the truth, to silence dissent,…

The Ladder to Nowhere

In the sprawling metropolis of New York City, amongst the steel-and-glass behemoths that pierce the clouds, the Great Ladder of Corporate Ambition beckons. It’s an electric invitation, illuminated in neon blues and dizzying golds, flickering for all who seek success in that grand capitalist play. “Climb that ladder!” they tell you, with eyes gleaming and…

Careers as Pirate Ships for Pillaging Companies

The old joke about gentle compromise of an unsatisfying relations goes: My boss pretends to pay me, and I pretend to work. Jobs not only oppressively dominate where someone lives, the hours they sleep and rise, and the entire structure of their days, but then workers take the stress of their jobs home for no…