
Recent revelations have illuminated a disconcerting reality: the narratives that have long underpinned the modern left are not the organic manifestations of grassroots movements, but rather, the carefully constructed illusions of a well-oiled propaganda infrastructure funded by billions of tax dollars, effectively making the public pay for smoke and mirrors. Everything has been a lie….

Unburdened By What Has Been

I’ve been hearing some snickering about this “What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been” thing. Let’s call it WCBBWHB for short, or not, because that’s just ridiculous. The more I think about it, the more it sounds like the kind of babble you’d hear from someone who’s had a few too many mimosas at…

Resentment and Cruelty

Modern leftism, much like the communism of old, often presents itself not merely as a political movement but as a kind of secular religion. Its dogmas are professed with the fervor of the deeply devout, and its heretics are persecuted with a zeal that rivals that of any inquisitor. However, beneath the surface of this…

Realpolitik in Modern Institutional Dysfunction

In the cold, calculated corridors of power where Joseph Stalin once roamed, a seemingly simple question echoed, shaping the very fabric of political and social life: “Who/Whom?” This query, though straightforward, encapsulated a worldview where the essence of governance and control boiled down to dominance—specifically, who dominates whom. It wasn’t merely rhetorical; it was the…

Uncanny Valley

I’ve been thinking about these AI systems lately. They’re supposed to be the pinnacle of human achievement, right? The cream of the digital crop. The kind of thing you’d expect to pass the Turing Test while making you a cup of coffee and telling you a joke. Only, it turns out, they might just be…

Woke AI

In this post-truth era, where the currency of fact has been debased by the inflationary pressures of ideology, artificial intelligence has become the most recent instrument in the elite’s arsenal for shaping reality. The digitization of reality has outpaced our capacity for comprehension and the guardians of the new digital orthodoxy have found an indispensable…

The Decline of Trust in the Expert Class

If there is one phenomenon that has captivated and confounded the public sphere in recent years, it is the growing disillusionment with the so-called ‘expert class’, borne out of an increasing realization that our ‘expert class’ — those with gilded credentials and self-proclaimed authorities on all things consequential — have consistently failed to live up…