Human Rights and Wrongs

You ever notice how we all talk about human rights like they’re these big, important things? Yeah, turns out, they’re pretty much like the instructions on a shampoo bottle — nobody really follows them, especially not the people in charge. I mean, I always thought rights were like those gifts you get on Christmas morning,…

No Rights

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: this idea that we’ve got something called “human rights” is about as solid and reliable as a fart in a windstorm. Governments talk a big game about rights, freedoms, and all that jazz, but when push comes to shove, those rights vanish quicker than a politician’s…

AI Gonna Hurt

In the great swath of existence, in the silent hinterlands of the heart, lies the paradox of love. It stands at the crossroads of the human condition, a keen edge cutting both ways. The weight of love, the full gravity of it, can’t be comprehended without an openness to the rending of oneself. To be…

Decaying Edifice of Humanity

In a world shrouded in dazzling innovations and advancements, it is a harsh, albeit essential, realization that the core of our humanity appears to be not merely in decline, but in a state of active decay. We, as a society, seem to be losing our grasp on some of the most fundamental aspects of our…