Paying taxes is like putting gas in a car you’ll never drive. You fill it up, they thank you, and then they drive off to who-knows-where while you’re left standing there like an idiot, waiting for a ride that’ll never come. They’ve got a tank full of your cash, and you’ve got a pothole-ridden street,…
Tag: Government
Right Wing Extremism
Remember when conspiracy theories were like fine wine? They needed years to mature before anyone took them seriously. Now, they’re like fast food—quick, ubiquitous, and often disturbingly accurate. The internet has turned the conspiracy validation timeline on its head. Essential facts are now just a click away, and the truth spreads faster than a politician’s…
Everything is Astroturfed
Let’s face it: we live in an era where destruction is the new construction. Everything that’s built – from our political systems to our smartphones – seems designed to break down, morally or mechanically. Why? Because those who control the levers of power are about as capable as a screen door on a submarine. They…
Digital Gulags
We find ourselves now in a strange world where our hard-earned money is subject to the whims of an increasingly nosy and selective bank. I mean, it’s all starting to look like a Monty Python sketch, isn’t it? There was a time, you see, when a bank was a bank. You’d put your money in,…
The Great American Heist
Oh, the lamentations! A veritable cry of despair from sea to shining sea. This country, this great Republic of ours, seems to have been picked clean, gutted, and replaced with a hollow mockery of its once-glorious self. You have to squint to see it through the fog of disillusionment, but if you look closely, you’ll…
Great Hoaxes of Governance
In the theatrics of modern democracy, particularly in the United States, a rather disturbing trend has emerged. Our system of government, the celebrated beacon of liberty and equality, appears to be drifting towards a culture of manipulation and deceit. What is presented to the public as transparent, accountable governance, often resembles a series of hoaxes…