Hating Elon

It seems that every time someone comes along with a genuine vision for the future, someone who’s actually capable of moving the needle for humanity, there’s a bunch of small-minded bureaucrats standing in the way, clipboards in hand, trying to throw sand in the gears? Yeah, I’m talking about Elon Musk—you know, the guy who’s…

Unburdened By What Has Been

I’ve been hearing some snickering about this “What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been” thing. Let’s call it WCBBWHB for short, or not, because that’s just ridiculous. The more I think about it, the more it sounds like the kind of babble you’d hear from someone who’s had a few too many mimosas at…

The Future is Amish

You ever think about the Amish? I mean, really think about them? There they are, living among us, like they’re from another time, another world even. But the more I think about it, the more I start to wonder if maybe, just maybe, they’ve got it all figured out. Yeah, that’s right. While we’re all…