Why C-Suite Wages Are So High

It is a strange thing that in an age of unprecedented prosperity, resentment against those who oversee it has never been greater. The corporate executive, particularly the CEO, is today a creature of suspicion—accused of incompetence, greed, and worst of all, unjustified wealth. It is a familiar charge, made with increasing fervor by those who…

CEOs are Cheap

They found him standing by the glass doors before dawn, the thin hue of the city’s lights behind him. He was a tall man, shoulders bent by relentless hours. The tie around his neck might as well have been a tourniquet. Across the hotel lobby, a few bleary-eyed travelers caught a glimpse of his figure…

Delay Deny Defend

Isn’t it amazing how insurance companies have turned into the schoolyard bullies of the adult world? Yeah, that’s right, the folks who are supposed to “share your risk” and “have your back” are now the ones knocking your lunch tray onto the floor. Except it’s not a milk carton and a PB&J they’re dropping; it’s…

Middle Management

My friend pointed out that despite all the credentials and ability, a big group of us were trapped under a glass ceiling in middle management and had no path or connections to anything better. Middle management is a lonely no-man’s land. Workers hate you for keeping them on task. They are infantile and just want…