Unburdened By What Has Been

I’ve been hearing some snickering about this “What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been” thing. Let’s call it WCBBWHB for short, or not, because that’s just ridiculous. The more I think about it, the more it sounds like the kind of babble you’d hear from someone who’s had a few too many mimosas at…

DEI Utopia

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about DEI, or as I like to call it, the Department of Euphemisms and Insanity. You see, DEI is this wonderful tool we’ve created to ensure we can cram more women into roles where they historically never quite fit—like firefighters. Now, before you get all huffy, let’s get one thing…

Prison Sex

You know what’s really funny? The state. Oh, they’re hilarious. They strut around in their fancy suits, promising to keep us safe, to make our lives better, to uphold justice. But let’s be honest, they’re about as effective as a screen door on a submarine. They can’t fulfill any of their grand promises because, at…

Accidental Presidents

In a world where chaos often masquerades as order, and reality teeters on the edge of absurdity, there arose a curious phenomenon known as the Accidental President. Donald Trump, a man better known for his gaudy real estate ventures and reality TV antics, stumbled into the political arena like a bull in a china shop….