To maximize your income you have to switch jobs every year or two. Employers will lay you off at an instant, so you can’t reasonably have any loyalty. The relationship is just a temporary convenience without any promises or future. We churn between jobs, needing only to pass an interview to get into a position…
Month: March 2017
Stale Office Air Is Making You Less Productive
A recent study published in the Harvard Business Review of ventilation levels affecting cognitive function measured the quality of office environments and found that typical building conditions lead to low levels of productivity. Indoor air quality often suffers from poor ventilation, chemical exposure to cleaners, dry erase markers, perfume, and dry cleaned clothes, and high…
58% of High-Performance Employees Say They Need More Quiet Work Spaces
Behold the open industrial office space. At one moment, it feels like such a hip environment, bustling with easy communication and collaboration, innovation and headphones just behind every monitor. At another moment, the open office is the loudest, most annoying, distracting and unproductive environment one can imagine. What if the open industrial office is just…