Banned From Democracy

You know, it’s funny when I think about democracy these days. It’s like watching an ’80s hair band reunion – everything seems out of place, the harmony’s all off, and you’re left wondering if anyone even knows the original lyrics anymore. The great neoliberal establishments, once the cool kids on the global block, are now…

Socially Useless Jobs

That old pal COVID really pulled back the curtain on a few things. I mean, first off, it’s like we all collectively woke up one day and realized, “Hey, do we really need to cram ourselves into these office buildings like sardines in a can, just to tap on keyboards and gab on the phone?”…

Job Had Such Patience

In the ancient scrolls, there exists the tale of Job, a man of faith and righteousness, beset upon by a tempest of despair and calamity. His plight, they say, was a divine test, an examination of his fidelity in the face of the abject void. From his story was born the saying, “Job had such…

Feigning Incompetence

There’s this general belief that our beloved leaders, these so-called geniuses running the show, they’re just bumbling idiots who couldn’t run a lemonade stand, much less a country. Oh, they’ve got degrees from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and all the rest. Advanced degrees! Yet, the minute they step foot in the capitol, suddenly they’re as confused…

Social Reality is Untruthful

In the theater of human interaction, there is a common foe that proves itself a relentless adversary: the lie. It is the unseen enemy that worms its way into the fabric of our communication, eroding the trust upon which human society is built. The habit of lying, despite its immediate gains, is a treacherous path…

Digital Gulags

We find ourselves now in a strange world where our hard-earned money is subject to the whims of an increasingly nosy and selective bank. I mean, it’s all starting to look like a Monty Python sketch, isn’t it? There was a time, you see, when a bank was a bank. You’d put your money in,…

AI as Patsy

Language, as a tool of human interaction, is often hailed as the cornerstone of civilization. We employ it to build connections, share knowledge, and transmit cultural legacies through generations. Yet beneath this patina of noble intentions, language reveals itself as an elaborate system of deception, designed not to illuminate truth, but to obfuscate it. As…

Tax the Rich

Here’s something that’s been on my mind. You know how when you’re young, you’ve got all this energy and enthusiasm, like a brand new Duracell battery right out of the pack? Well, there are some folks out there, big corporations, government bodies, sneaky intelligence agencies, who look at that energy and think, “Hmm, how can…

Post Hustle Culture

Through the deep and shadowy hallways of cultural progression, the death knell tolls for the Hustle Culture. Critics, who roost like carrion birds on the fringes of society, have declared its end. An end as inevitable as a setting sun, an end borne of the insatiable gaze of those who covet wealth but shirk from…

Revenge Narratives Celebrating Resentment

In the labyrinth of the modern media landscape, one narrative has begun to occupy a disproportionate amount of space: tales of workplace revenge. These are the stories where the underdog employee, seemingly oppressed by the gargantuan machinery of corporate greed, strikes back in a satisfying display of defiance. On the surface, they are tales of…

Gender Obsession

Have you ever wondered why history seems to repeat itself? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s because we humans have a knack for finding trouble where there isn’t any. And that’s especially true when it comes to the collapse of civilizations. Now, let’s take a walk down memory lane and visit the good…

The Decline of Trust in the Expert Class

If there is one phenomenon that has captivated and confounded the public sphere in recent years, it is the growing disillusionment with the so-called ‘expert class’, borne out of an increasing realization that our ‘expert class’ — those with gilded credentials and self-proclaimed authorities on all things consequential — have consistently failed to live up…